Converting waste for a cleaner tomorrow.

Put our 30+ years of global experience and expertise to work.
Our field-tested, proven consulting and support ensures success through every stage of your waste management project.

Engineering & Design
- Solid waste conversion technology design review and recommendation
- Air Pollution Control (APC) specification and selection
- Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) specification and selection
- Energy recovery specification and selection
- Upfront engineering/costing/economic analysis
- Engineering specifications, designs and IP for modular mass burn, two-stage incineration, mobile, truck-mounted, containerized, shipboard, rotary, pyrolysis,
- Environmental regulatory permitting
- Analyses: Expected stack emission, effluent or residuals
- GHG (Greenhouse Gas) reporting, emission rates and modeling
- Air emissions test planning and support
- Waste convertor design, upgrades or modifications
- Calculations, thermal release analysis, capacity requirement
- Process flow calculations and diagrams
- Integration: Energy recovery, air pollution control, emission monitoring, material handling, weigh scales, waste oil burners, etc.
- 3D SolidWorks modeling and 2D drafting: Site plans, plant layouts, machinery layouts, guarding and platforms, welding and fabrication drawings
- Electrical design: Electrical and controls modernization, process and instrumentation, schematics
- Waste analysis, waste management reviews
- Waste characterization for project scoping, permit application, feedstock guarantee or design-build
- Impact-benefit analysis for taking in new waste streams or additional waste to address new markets
- Analysis of plant capacity/burn rate for different feedstocks
- Waste heat value content (calorimeter) analysis
- Combustion calculations
- Capacity requirement confirmation

- Quality management
- Vendor selection
- Procurement
- Custom fabrication

Logistics & Supply
- Provision of complete parts and services logistics program
- Spare parts provisioning and recommendations
- Re-supply management
- Obsolescence management

Startup & Training
- On-site oversight of general contractors and trades
- Pre-startup checks and setup
- System run-checks, shakedown and optimization
- Performance testing and evaluation
- Operations and maintenance training

Performance Improvement
- Efficiency assessments, from collection to disposal
- Equipment inspection with report & recommendations
- Review of on-site specific requirements
- Review of operational logs, emission reports and maintenance records
- Design improvements, repairs and retrofit
- Waste heat value content (calorimeter) analysis
- Updated documentation and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs):
- Operational SOPs
- Updated operator manuals and training materials
- Maintenance & preventative maintenance schedules
- Health & safety programs

Research & Development
- Technology investigation
- Conceptual and upfront engineering
- Design, prototype production, testing and evaluation
- R&D reporting