Specialized Waste
Precious Metal Recovery
WASTE CHALLENGE: Precious metals recovery is defined by the US EPA, as the reclamation of economically significant amounts of gold, silver, platinum, palladium, iridium, osmium, rhodium, ruthenium, or any combination of these metals. The project requires a system that can fully combust waste materials and primarily seek to recover the precious metals contained within the materials.
WASTE SOLUTION: The Eco Waste Solutions’ ECO Model was selected for this project. The ECO Model option is sized to process 250 kg per day using a single Primary Chamber. Customizations were also included to accommodate specific waste loading requirements.
RESULT: EWS technology is perfectly matched for precious metals recovery. The first stage of the Eco Waste system utilizes lower temperatures and tightly controlled starved-air conditions to gasify waste products while preserving valuable precious metals.