Expeditionary Solid Waste Disposal System (ESWDS)

- Groundbreaking, fit-for-purpose, expeditionary waste system
- Safe and reliable solution that eliminates the need to rely on outside contractors and burn pits
- Ready-to-deploy system for combat operations, humanitarian and disaster-relief efforts, or small camps
WASTE CHALLENGE: Develop a system that meets the following needs for the US Army:
- Eliminate risks associated with transportation of waste and avoid air pollution and health effects of open-pit burning
- Destroy a wide range of waste materials using a proven, reliable and clean two-stage process
- Set up and tear down using only a forklift and two persons – and be operational within a matter of hours
ECO SOLUTION: Eco Waste’s Expeditionary Solid Waste Disposal System (ESWDS) delivers the following:
- Processes 1000lbs/day of mixed/unsorted solid waste
- Designed for operation in all climates, including arctic, desert and tropics
- Each module weighs less than 10,000lbs and can be transported using all standard modes (ground, sea and air)
- Easy to operate, with simple controls and an automated process
Canadian Department of Defence: CFS Alert

- Environmental remediation: The amount of material being landfilled was reduced dramatically
- Environmental protection: The accumulating barrels of old aviation fuel, glycol and lubricating fluids were significantly reduced
- Operational simplicity: The machine continues to operate twice per week, processing the regularly-produced waste and is operated by rotating Canadian Forces personnel.
- Safe and reliable solution that eliminates the need to rely on outside contractors and burn pits
- Ready-to-deploy system for combat operations, humanitarian and disaster-relief efforts, or small camps
WASTE CHALLENGE: The Canadian Department of National Defence (DND) has operated Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alert, located just south of the North Pole, since the 1950s. In the 1990s, the DND developed a plan to remove unused structures and cleanup the landfill on this base. In addition to its military purpose, CFS Alert is also used by scientists as a research station to study the fragile arctic environment. The existing dump that serviced this camp posed a threat to the local environment and attracted wildlife that risked the safety of the people stationed in Alert.
The years of waste production at CFS Alert created a sizeable waste dump that needed to be addressed in an environmentally responsible fashion.
ECO SOLUTION: After careful consideration, Eco Waste Solutions™ was chosen to provide a solution for this environmentally sensitive region.
The remediation of the CFS Alert site required a system that could accommodate large, bulky items and also be tolerant to the wide variance in waste composition. The solution needed to be able to destroy the different liquid wastes stored in numerous drums on the site, as well as the solid waste from the landfill. Given the turnover of on-site personnel, the system also needed to be easy to operate.
The Eco Waste Solutions™ ECO Model was selected by the Department of National Defence, based on its ability to address all of these issues.
Swedish Armed Forces
WASTE CHALLENGE: Scandinavian countries are known for their high standards for waste diversion and recycling. One Scandinavian defense organization decided they wanted to replicate their strict waste management practices when they went on missions abroad.
To accomplish this, they required a completely integrated mobile waste management system that they could easily deploy. The system would need to include the equipment required to source separate waste for recycling, receive and process organics, and thermally convert all residual waste and meet the EU Industrial Emissions Directive.
Missions could take them anywhere, so the system would need to work in temperatures between -46C to +49C with relative humidity that fluctuates between 3-100%. To be suitable for the military basecamp setting it would also need to adhere to strict Electromagnetic Compatibility Emission and Susceptibility requirements.
LOCATION: Used on training exercises and in expeditionary military bases that can be any climactic region including extreme cold and extreme heat environments.
We provided a complete Deployable Waste Handling System (DWHS) that included:
- Eco Mobile™ model with containerized Air Pollution Control (APC) system
- Emission monitoring via an on-board Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS)
- Ash storage for 1 month, via specialized storage and operating containers
- Weigh scale with computerized logging
- Recycling station for source-separation of recyclable materials
- Containerized composter for organics processing
- Waste oil as fuel processing capability

SPECIAL FEATURES: Compact energy-from-waste recovery; waste heat is captured to generate hot water for showers, laundry, or other uses.
The modular system is configured to be highly flexible, allowing for different logistical footprints depending on the location. The DWHS can easily adapt by reducing some functions to better fit the mission. For example, in serving more austere environments, with no infrastructure and minimal resources, the DWHS can be transported and/or operated with or without the APC and CEMS, recycling station and composter. This flexibility is a unique and highly desirable feature for the military customer.
RESULTS: The DWHS is a self-contained system to support units of up to 500 people, recycling up to 22000 kg per year, and thermally treating more than 2 metric tons of residual waste every day, while producing up to 150,000 liters of hot water every 24 hours. Bonus result – allowing personnel to have long hot showers, which are normally limited to conserve use of fossil fuels.